
Thegreatestgrapplinggamereturnstotakeontheworld!Customizeeveryaspectofthematch,fromyourwrestlertotheringitself,inyourfightforthe ...,Featuringaridiculousnumberofmoves,richgameplay,andincrediblecharactercustomization,FireProWrestlingWorldletsyoubookdreammatchesonPC.,2018年8月30日—It'sbeen12yearssincethelastproperFireProgame,butitwasabsolutelyworththewait.DeveloperSpikeChunsoftPublisherSpike ......

Fire Pro Wrestling World

The greatest grappling game returns to take on the world! Customize every aspect of the match, from your wrestler to the ring itself, in your fight for the ...

Fire Pro Wrestling World (for PC) Review

Featuring a ridiculous number of moves, rich gameplay, and incredible character customization, Fire Pro Wrestling World lets you book dream matches on PC.

Fire Pro Wrestling World review

2018年8月30日 — It's been 12 years since the last proper Fire Pro game, but it was absolutely worth the wait. Developer Spike Chunsoft Publisher Spike ...

Fire Pro Wrestling World Reviews

Fire Pro Wrestling World is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 30 critics, with an overall average score of 81. It's ranked in the top 14%...

For those that played Fire Pro Wrestling World, how was ...

2023年6月27日 — Excellent - best wrestling game for me. Matches actually feel like wrestling matches rather than beating your opponent mercilessly for 15 ...


2018年10月22日 — Wrestlers doing the flashy ring walk-on. Using 2D pixelated graphics for the wrestlers and arenas, I found the game ran really smoothly and ...

Steam 社群:

Fire Pro Wrestling World - The greatest grappling game returns to take on the world! Customize every aspect of the match, from your wrestler to the ring ...

[REVIEW] Fire Pro Wrestling World (PS4)

2018年10月3日 — It's a deep game on its own, though, and thankfully there's an excellent tutorial that explains the in's and out's. Unlike WWE 2K, Fire Pro ...